Arden Arcade HART formed in 2019. Our mission is to provide resources to assist community members experiencing homelessness.
Contact: ardenarcadehart@gmail.com
Get Involved
Date: 2nd Thursday of the month
Time: 12:00pm
Location: Zoom
Arden Arcade HART - Programs & Initiatives
Donation Site
Located at Good Shepard Lutheran Church (1615 Morse Avenue at the corner of Arden Way), Arden Arcade HART organizes a donation site every Monday 10am-12pm noon. Below is a list of needed items:
Street Outreach
Arden Arcade HART provides daily meal distribution to encampments plus clothing, sleeping bags, tents, and more. Transportation support is also available.
Arden Arcade HART supports outreach workers such as Mercy Pedalers and Housing Navigators. Mercy Pedalers are bicyclers and tricyclers reaching out to men and women experiencing homelessness on the streets. Housing Navigators go out in the community and meets people experiencing homelessness where they are at to offer resources and connect them to programs. Arden Arcade is also supporting Street Nurses.
Youth Programs & Outreach
Arden Arcade HART provides monthly snack bags and hygiene bags for McKenney Vento students in the San Juan Unified School District experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Funds raised will go towards supporting the Outreach programs, Navigation, Mercy Pedaler Partnership and Youth services.
To donate by Mail:
Arden Arcade HART
2300 Edison Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821
Make Checks Payable to: Arden Arcade HART
Contact Arden Arcade President for more information:
Jeannie Anderson-West