Holiday Homeless Friendly Food & Non-Food Baskets Drive Nov 1st thru Dec 24th
Benefiting Carmichael Homeless Families with School Age Children
Suggested items:
• Canned meats: Think beyond tuna & soup, which food banks get tons of. Instead go for canned beef, canned ham, canned chicken, canned salmon. Or hearty ready-to-go meals like beef stew and chili with meat.
• Canned vegetables: Everyone donates green beans. Instead, give potatoes, carrots, spinach, peas or any other veggies your family likes.
• Canned fruit: Not pineapple. This is the most commonly donated fruit. Any other fruit, particularly those in fruit juice without extra sugar, would be great. Dried fruit works too (raisins, etc.)
• Low-sugar cereal like plain Cheerios
• Peanut butter, Instant Soups, Instant Mac & Cheese
• Cans of beans, Pasta, pasta sauce
• Cans, cartons or boxes of powered and evaporated milk
• Snack items for kids to take to school: juice boxes, applesauce containers, granola bars o Juice Boxes, Capri Suns, Bottled Water o Granola Bars, Raisins, Cookies, Breakfast Bars o Pop Tarts, Fruit Rollups or Fruit Snacks o Peanut Butter or Cheese Crackers o Jerky, Trail Mix, Nuts, Fruit or Pudding Cups o Cup-A-Noodles, Chocolate
• Diapers in sizes above newborn, plus wipes
• Toiletries: toothbrushes, soap, toothpaste, lotion, shampoo & conditioner, warm socks, Can Opener, Chapstick, Band-Aids (consider someone living outside this time of year)
• Feminine hygiene products: unscented pads will be most universally used, not tampons
• Small paperback book, New Testament Bible
• Bags of apples or potatoes.
Sponsored by Carmichael HART and Sacramento Self-Help Housing
Convenient Drop off: San Juan Central Enrollment & Family Resource Center McKinney Vento Office -3700 Garfield Ave. Room 14 Carmichael, CA 95608 - Between 8am – 3pm
Contact Heather Smith at 916-979-8794 for more information